Intuitive seeing eyes

Seeing through your intuitive eyes

The word clairvoyance is sometimes used as a catch-all for psychic or intuitive abilities. Clairvoyants are usually understood to have the ability to see the future.
However, Clairvoyance is actually a specific skills related to intuitive or psychic sight.

how to set your boundaries with Spirit

The importance of setting and maintaining your boundaries

Learning to set boundaries is incredibly important in all aspects of your life and relationships. But especially so as you open to Spirit energy. You want to make sure the experiences you have with Spirit guides and folks on the other side of life are positive ones that leave you feeling good and uplifted. Working…

grounded tree

How to get and keep yourself grounded

What is grounding? Grounding is connecting your energy to the natural energy field of the Earth. When you don’t feel grounded, you can feel spacey, dizzy, off-balance, shaky, dazed. Things may have a quality of being unreal. When you’re grounded, you live in the present moment, connected in with your physical body and the energy…

control your mediumship abilities

What you get from developing your mediumship abilities

Some of the benefits of developing your mediumship abilities seem obvious: You get to converse with the “dead”! You can give messages to people. You might even be able to earn a living as a professional medium. But there are also other reasons to develop your mediumship abilities, whether they are just beginning to slowly…

psychic energy

What’s the difference between psychic, intuitive and mediumship information?

Ever wonder what the difference actually is between psychic abilities, intuition and mediumship? Have you read books or studied religions where one is held higher than the others and considered the “better” ability or the only legitimate one? In my background, Spiritualism, mediumship is lauded as the best thing of all. Psychic abilities (and psychic…

highest good

The secret to connecting with only good: setting your intention

When I first began studying mediumship in my early 20s, I was afraid of opening up to Spirit. I figured I had good reason to be. As a child, I was afraid of the dark and of the things I saw that other people didn’t. I remember seeing glowing green eyes in my bedroom at…

How to use a pendulum for divining

Pendulums have been used for eons as a way of connecting with Spirit and divining answers to our myriad of questions as we navigate this human experience. They’re simple to use and a way to connect with your intuition. How do pendulums work? Divination using a pendulum really isn’t all that mysterious. The answers come…

psychic smelling

Developing your clairalience

Clairalience is intuitive or psychic smelling and means clear smelling. It’s also known as clairolfaction and clairessence (because the word clairalience isn’t strange enough to start with). Clairallience (also sometimes spelled with two ‘l’s)  is an ignored intuitive sense, which is a shame, as it can be very clear and powerful. It’s closely related to…