The importance of setting and maintaining your boundaries

Learning to set boundaries is incredibly important in all aspects of your life and relationships. But especially so as you open to Spirit energy.

You want to make sure the experiences you have with Spirit guides and folks on the other side of life are positive ones that leave you feeling good and uplifted. Working with Spirit isn’t supposed to feel creepy.

Everyday boundaries

We set boundaries and determine how we allow people to treat us in our everyday lives all the time, often without thinking about it. Partly, we do this by how we treat others. If we’re often angry and short-tempered with others, we’re likely to receive similar treatment in our dealings with people, especially those close to us. The Golden Rule – treat others as you’d like them to treat you – has existed throughout the centuries in various faiths and philosophies for a reason.

However, if we’re respectful and kind during the majority of our days, not only are the people around us more likely to treat us respectfully and with kindness, but we come from a much firmer foundation when we ask and expect respect, love and kindness in return. And when others aren’t treating us in a manner we’re OK with, it’s easier to set firm, loving boundaries and behavioral expectations.

The same is true in our relationship with Spirit.

Setting boundaries with Spirit

If all we want to receive from opening to Spirit and our higher/inner selves is goodness and love, then that’s what we need to ask for.

It’s a similar interaction as when I’m having a conversation with someone. I know that, in my daily life, I want to have positive interactions with people which leave me feeling generally good about myself and the world around me.

In order to have good interactions, I stay aware of my emotional state, my posture and body language, and the words and tone of voice I use. I breathe. I smile. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I know we’re each doing the best we can in any given moment.

At this point in my life, people rarely yell at me or say hurtful things. My boundaries are set firmly that this sort of experience is something I don’t invite or accept. If, during an odd occurrence (because it takes all sorts of people to make up this world, plus I have kids), someone does react to me in an angry, hurtful or otherwise unpleasant way, I do my best to stay calm (paying attention to my emotions, breathing, body language, tone, etc.) and let them know how I wish to be treated and when they’ve stepped over the line in their interaction with me.

Sometimes I have the presence of mind to calmly state my boundaries. “Please speak calmly and politely.” .

Other times I remove myself from the situation. “I’m going to go now.” “We can talk about this later.” “Mummy needs a time out.”

You can do the same with Spirit — whether you’re feeling the energy of the world around you, channeling an excarnate energy, or acting as a conduit for mediumship messages from those on the other side of life. If it feels uncomfortable or unpleasant, ask Spirit to take the emotions that aren’t yours (then release them) or ask the folks in Spirit to step back to a comfortable level.

You get to set the boundaries. You can say, “No.”

What’s great is that this works even better than in the physical world.

If there’s an angry person shouting at me, I can ask them to stop and let them know how they are acting is not OK with me. They may or may not respond to me in the way I’d like. I can also walk away and remove myself from the situation.

With folks in Spirit, you can ask them to step back and they have to comply with your desire and intent. There is no need for negotiation, as long as you’re able to set and keep firm boundaries. When it comes to energy, your word (or thought) is law.

The best way to do this is to believe you can. And to practice it in your everyday, physical life.

Just like exercising makes your muscles stronger and enables you to go further, faster, flexing your spiritual and energetic muscles helps them grow as well.

Boring stuff, I know. Much of living a good, metaphysical life is about taking care of your physical life and living it the best way you can.

So the next time someone in your everyday life tests your boundaries, open your heart, set your limits and enforce them, asking only for your highest good. And know that you’re improving not only your daily life, but your spiritual one, too.