psychic mediumship book recommendations

Mediumship development book recommendations

Developing your intuitive, psychic and mediumship abilities takes time and practice. It also takes a good deal of knowledge. When I first began developing mediumship, I took a class at the church I attended to get the basics, and then I spent a lot of time sitting in meditation, either by myself, during church services…

how to learn psychometry

Clairsentience part 2: understanding pyschometry

Psychometry – feeling the energy of objects and places – is the second aspect of clairsentience. Clairsentience is the sensing of energy (in the form of emotions and physical feelings) from people, places and objects. Psychometry is sometimes call “soul sensing.” Which makes sense, as it is like you are sensing the soul of an…

Developing your clairsentience

Clairsentience – which means clear sensing or clear feeling – is intuitive or psychic feeling and is closely connected to what we usually think of as intuition. In many ways, it’s a heightened or tuned in form of empathy. Its basis is the ability to tune into the energetic vibrations of people, objects and places…

developing your psychic senses

Developing your psychic senses

This is the first in a series of blog posts about your psychic, intuitive or mediumistic senses and how to develop them. I use the words psychic and intuitive interchangeably when it comes to talking about these sixth senses (and there’s more than one, so perhaps they should be the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, etc….