spiraling sound waves

Developing your intuitive hearing

Clairaudience, or clear hearing, is the ability to hear messages and information from Spirit in the form of music, sounds or voices. It’s one of the several intuitive senses including clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairgustience/clairgustance (clear tasting), clairallience/clairalience (clear smelling), clairsentience (clear feeling) and claircognizance (clear knowing). How does clairaudience manifest? Clairaudience feels different to different…

Developing your intuitive knowing

Do you ever just know something is true without knowing why?

Perhaps you’re generally minding your own business and then suddenly know someone is having an affair, or they’re hiding something, or a job is about to end. The information comes through in a flash, like it just drops into your mind.

That’s claircognizance or intuitive knowing. It’s direct information from Spirit.

getting a good psychic reading

What’s your strongest intuitive sense?

We each have our strengths. And that’s OK. Some folks learn better by reading, rather than hearing information, for instance. Some of us are tactile learners and need to get our hands on things. Some people have great eyesight, but poor hearing. Or the other way around. Or they’re just more perceptive with one sense…

Unexpected messages from the universe

You get messages from the universe in your everyday life in all sorts of ways. Sometimes they’re signs or symbols. Sometimes they’re interruptions in your life that cause you to, hopefully, stop and think. When you start working with signs and symbols, you start receiving more of them in your everyday life. The same is…

seeing your aura

How to see auras

Everything is made up of energy vibrating at its own unique frequency. Because of this, everything has an aura, which is the potentially visible vibration of all things. It’s possible to learn to become aware of and to see auras. What is an aura? noun the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and…

how to develop your claircognizance abilities

Develop your claircognizance

Claircognizance – or clear knowing – is direct knowledge from Spirit. Claircognizant information comes in clearly and without emotion. All of a sudden, it’s just there. Claircognizant information often comes when you’re doing something unrelated to the idea or thought you receive. You might be showering, vacuuming, folding laundry, pulling weeds in the garden or…

Developing your clairsentience

Clairsentience – which means clear sensing or clear feeling – is intuitive or psychic feeling and is closely connected to what we usually think of as intuition. In many ways, it’s a heightened or tuned in form of empathy. Its basis is the ability to tune into the energetic vibrations of people, objects and places…

Developing your psychic tastebuds

Developing your clairgustance

Clairgustance or clairgustience is also known as clear tasting. It’s your intuitive sense of taste. Tastes from Spirit? Really? In short, yes. Information from Spirit, or our own intuition, can come to us through our psychic senses of taste and smell (clairalience), as well as through our inner vision (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience), knowing (claircognizance) and…