Claircognizance – or clear knowing – is direct knowledge from Spirit. Claircognizant information comes in clearly and without emotion. All of a sudden, it’s just there.

Claircognizant information often comes when you’re doing something unrelated to the idea or thought you receive. You might be showering, vacuuming, folding laundry, pulling weeds in the garden or driving and suddenly thoughts, images, music or words are in your brain.

Write them down. Take notes. Because, if you don’t, they often leave just as suddenly as they appear.

Sometimes, the information you receive doesn’t seem to even have anything to do with you. For instance, on Sept. 11, 2001, as I stood in my office conference room with my coworkers, watching TV news footage of the first Twin Tower burning after a plane crashed into it, the knowledge of another plane hitting the other tower blossomed in my mind, clear and true. After the second plane hit, I got another hit: there are 4 planes. I just knew it, with no explanation of how or why (or what I was supposed to do with the information).

Sometimes the information you receive can be deeply personal. I’ve had foreknowledge of the ending of several relationships. I’ve just known I would see that person 3 more times, acknowledged the information and let it go. Sure enough, time went by, and the relationship ended after 3 more dates.

How do you know if the information is from Spirit or your own mind?

Information from Spirit is clear. It comes through objectively, without emotion. Without “shoulds.” Sometimes the energy can urge you to do something quite strongly. But it doesn’t guilt. Sometimes it feels like you’ve downloaded a whole lot of information into your mind that you intuitively know makes sense, but you may not even be able to explain with the words and concepts your human mind understand (a bit like how dreams make sense within the context of the dream, but can be hard to explain once you’ve woken up). But, overall, it’s information that your conscious mind observes, rather than information that it creates.

Information from your own mind can sometimes be inspired by Spirit and provide solutions to your problems and situations. (And does that come from your mind or your inner self via your mind? Something to think about.) But when it’s clouded or confused with emotion, especially the kind that makes you anxious or guilty-feeling, then it’s not Spirit communication.

Signs you might be claircognizant

  • You think a lot and are mentally-oriented
  • You like to figure out how things work
  • Your mind analyzes things and people
  • You can hold abstract concepts in your mind
  • You get a-ha moments – flashes of ideas like a light bulb lighting up in your mind
  • You can tell if someone is lying or not
  • You consider yourself a good judge of character
  • You get flashes of insight about the future – about a relationship as it begins, about a job offer, about a move, etc. – with no discernible source

How to develop your claircognizance

Develop your intuition

Learning to trust your inner guidance and voice is vital to developing your claircognizant abilities. There are many ways to develop your intuition (I’m working on a book about this very topic).

The first is to quiet your mind enough to hear your inner, deeper thoughts. Meditation is an excellent way to do go within. Practice meditating every day — even for just 5 minutes a day. (You can start with 2 minutes a day of deep, slow breathing where you focus your attention on your breath. It’ll leave you feeling so good you’ll want to do more.)

I’ll write more about developing your intuition soon.

Practice automatic writing

Automatic writing (also known as direct writing) comes through claircognizance. It’s not hard to do, but practice does make it easier. The most important part is to set aside your critical self and take a step back. Allow whatever wants to come through to come through. It doesn’t matter if it all seems like garbage at first. That’s just part of the process.

To do automatic writing, get either a pen and a notebook or use your computer. (I prefer to type myself as it’s something I can do almost without thinking already.)

Go into a meditative state, however that works best for you (essentially, calm your body, slow you racing thoughts along with your breath and focus your mind). Ask your spirit guides and inner/higher self to come through to bring you information you need to know, right now, for your highest good. You can also ask specific questions about yourself, your life, your path, etc.

While in a meditative state, write down or type whatever first comes to your mind.

You can have your eyes open or closed during this process. I prefer to look at my keyboard and if I look at the screen at all, have a soft gaze, just so I know my fingers are hitting the right keys (and aren’t one key off to one side). If I’m looking at a piece of paper, I like to have a soft gaze so that I have a sense of where my pen is on the page.

Don’t think about what you’re writing. Your conscious mind is only a spectator, not a controller. It doesn’t matter if what you write or type seems like nonsense and doesn’t make sense. This is just your subconscious mind purging its junk.

Ignore spelling, punctuation and grammar. You can fix that later if you need or want to.

If too much information comes at you too quickly for you to understand and write or type, ask for it to slow down.

As you continue to practice automatic writing, you’ll learn to set aside your conscious mind. You may notice it standing to one side, as a spectator, allowing the flow of information to come through your hands onto the page (or screen).

The voice that comes through in your direct writing may sound like you, but a wiser, calmer, more knowing you. This is your inner voice, full of your inner wisdom and knowledge. The more you connect with this voice, the stronger it gets. Over time, you’ll be able to discern the difference between the information you receive through your own mind and its subconscious beliefs and information from Spirit and your higher self.


This is the last post in a series about developing your intuitive senses. Here are the other posts: