Psychometry – feeling the energy of objects and places – is the second aspect of clairsentience. Clairsentience is the sensing of energy (in the form of emotions and physical feelings) from people, places and objects.

Psychometry is sometimes call “soul sensing.” Which makes sense, as it is like you are sensing the soul of an object, using intuition and clairsentience.

Just as with the other intuitive senses (clairvoyance, clairalience, clairgustance, clairaudience and claircognizance), the clairsentience of psychometry and see into the past, present and future of the energy around an object or place. It is often used in conjunction with the other psychic senses — seeing a person or place association with an object, as well as feeling the emotion or soul of the object.

You can read more about the history and discovery of psychometry at this earlier blog post.

Developing your pyschometry abilities

Psychometry is powered through clairsentience, which is connected to your heart, solar plexus and sacral chakras. These three chakras are also very connected to your intuition. Think of intuition as being inwardly focused knowledge from a higher source (God, Infinite Intelligence, your own higher self or soul) that you use for the betterment of your own life and walking your truest path through life. Clairsentience is essentially taking intuition and turning it outward, picking up emotions and energy from other people, situations, locations and objects.

So to develop psychometry, develop your clairsentience ability overall, starting by opening your heart (emotion), solar plexus (gut feelings) and sacral (instinct) chakras.

Psychometry exercises

The best way to learn psychometry is simply to do it.

Ask a friend or loved one for an object that is meaningful to them: either they have a strong connection with it or they know the history of the object.

Go into a meditative state (essentially, sit up, feet on the floor, back straight, breathe deeply and evenly, relax your mind and allow it to let go and open).

Hold the object in your hand(s) and extend your awareness into it and allow its energy to flow into you.

Allow impressions to come to you. Don’t discard any of them, no matter how odd or silly they may seem. Just take note of them. Information may come through any of your intuitive senses — you may feel emotions, see images, hear sounds, smell something or even get a taste of food or another substance.

Either while you’re still sensing the object or after, write down what you experienced.

Share your impressions with the object’s owner.

It really doesn’t matter how accurate you are, especially to begin with. The act of trust, opening up and relaying the information that comes is the essential part of this exercise.

Things to keep in mind

If the impressions you get don’t connect with the object’s owner, keep these things in mind:

Symbols, especially ones received visually, are sometimes literal and sometimes metaphorical.

If they are metaphorical, what they mean may not be what you initially think they do. Dig deeper into the symbol and see if you can get to the hidden layers of information about it, beyond the surface.

Sometimes, your own experiences (especially difficult ones) that are somehow associated with the object or triggered by the object can color your impressions and reading of its energy. This can be more prevalent when you first start practicing mediumship, as you haven’t yet learned to take an emotional step back from the energy you’re sensing. (Most people who are beginning to figure out their mediumship abilities have lived their whole lives being highly attuned to the energy around them without necessarily realizing that’s what they’re doing or that their experiences of the world are different from the people around them.)