Why latent mediums get annoyed by Spirit

I used to do house calls. You know, to clear the energy of a house and get rid of unwanted visitors from Spirit.

Most of the people I did house calls for were themselves mediums, although they didn’t always know it.

I remember a conversation I had with one client and her daughter, who had become so unnerved by the energy she felt lurking in her bedroom that she was afraid to sleep in there.

“Why is this person hanging around here?” they asked. “We didn’t even know him.”

The Spirit in question was a young man who’d lived a few doors down and had died some months before. When I connected in with him, I learned he was worried about his dog and was connecting with the daughter, I’ll call her Jane, because she was also an animal lover. He’d also passed in a haze of intoxication and rage, which complicated his smooth transition into Spirit and causing him to hang around.

Plus, Jane could sense him. She was a latent medium, largely unknowing of her abilities and not at all in control of them. Her mom had the ability to sense people in Spirit, too, and told me that, at times, she felt the energy of the couple who’d lived in the house before them.

Basically, for someone in Spirit, their house was like a beacon and they left the light on.

Imagine you’re a ship lost at sea. It’s dark, it’s stormy. You know there’s land somewhere, but you’re not quite sure where, or where the craggy rocks are that can smash your boat.

A lighthouse appears out of the blackness. There’s land! You have bearing and direction.

While a ship usually doesn’t head straight to a lighthouse, as it often warns of dangerous rocks at the shore, people in Spirit do head directly toward the nearest person who can sense them. They want to get a message through, or find healing, or just figure out what’s going on and why no one else can hear or see them!

My firm belief is that we’re all moving towards healing, always. When people who haven’t quite properly transitioned into Spirit, or who have and still want to come back for a chat, connect with a medium, it’s because they want to find healing in some way.

The unfortunate thing is that when the medium doesn’t know about, or know how to control, their abilities, it can be a scary experience. That’d be light strangers walking off the street into your house and starting to talk to you with no way for you to get them to leave.

The good news is that isn’t hard to begin to gain control over your mediumship abilities.

The first step is to set your intention.

Then you learn to set good boundaries for yourself.

Those two steps, honestly, will get you through the roughest spots. Beyond that, learning how to purposefully open and close yourself to Spirit communication and beginning to purposefully develop your abilities will help you move forward in a positive, empowered way.

If you think you’re a medium, it’s worthwhile developing your abilities. It puts you in the driver’s seat of your experience and allows you to choose when you connect with folks in Spirit, and when you want peace and quiet. You can read about some of the reasons I think developing your mediumship gifts is a good idea in this blog post.