The secret to connecting with only good: setting your intention

When I first began studying mediumship in my early 20s, I was afraid of opening up to Spirit.

I figured I had good reason to be. As a child, I was afraid of the dark and of the things I saw that other people didn’t. I remember seeing glowing green eyes in my bedroom at night on more than one occasion and seeing the shadow of someone outside my bedroom door (it was a translucent glass door). For many years, I had an irrational fear of looking at myself in the mirror at night because I was certain I’d see myself as a skeleton.

As I grew older, I realized I was an empath and picked up other people’s emotions and thoughts. I’d be in an old building and get hit with the energy of the people who’d been there before like a scene out of a movie, especially if a highly emotional event took place. Or I’d buy used clothing and wear it without washing it first and pick up on the emotional energy of the people who’d owned it previously. Those were some messy and uncomfortable experiences. I eventually learned to shield myself and filter what came in, but it was an energy-consuming process.

So, while I wanted to understand and develop my gifts, I wasn’t big on the idea of opening myself up to more communication from Spirit if I didn’t know what it was that was going to come through.

The unknown can be scary.

Fortunately, one of the first things I learned right at the beginning of my mediumship development is something that solved my problem and took away all fear.

Set your intention: Ask for your highest and best good.

Whenever you meditate and open yourself up to communication from Spirit, ask for your highest good, and only that, to come through.

The result: no bogeymen, no dark spirits, nothing that can harm you or scare you can come through to you.

It sounds almost too simple, but it works.

When you set your intention, what you’re doing is setting your boundaries. (You can read more about boundaries here.) And, when you work with energy, it has to follow your word and your intention. So if you say, “Only my highest good, please,” then that’s all that comes in. Your word is law.

What I love about this approach is that it doesn’t take energy to maintain, it’s absolute, and it allows you to feel safe and comfortable in opening up to Spirit. Because, if you know that you’ll receive only good, then you can relax and begin to trust the experience.

Trust is a huge part of developing your intuitive and mediumship abilities — trusting your connection with Spirit, trusting yourself and trusting in the process of unfolding.

So take a deep breath and set your intention to receive your highest good, knowing it means that everything you get from Spirit will be from the light and will come through love. You are safe, you are loved, and all is well.