Are you afraid of using your intuition? Here’s why – and what you can do about it

Are you afraid of what you might get if you connect with your intuition? Or what might happen in your life if you follow the information you receive from it?

If so, you’re not alone.

It’s actually quite common for people to worry about following their intuitive urges and these fears can even stop you from tuning in and listening to your inner wisdom. Here are some of the reasons I’ve discovered, on my own journey and in my course of working with people, and what you can do about the fears and resistance that comes up.

You’re afraid of what you’ll get

Listening to what feels like a new source of information might seem scary because you don’t know what kind of information you’re going to get.

What’s your intuition going to tell you? I don’t know, specifically, what information you’ll receive from your own intuition, but I do know this: it’s going to be for your highest good. Your inner/higher/divine self (call it what feels best to you) wants only the best for you. It wants you to live the best, happiest, most fulfilled life you can. So the information you get is only and always going to be for your highest good.

Also, consider this, if you’re not listening to your intuition, how’s the information you’ve been receiving and using to make decisions in your life working for you right now? Do you want better? Do you want to feel clearer, more connected and engaged with life? Consider listening to your intuition.

You’re afraid people will think you’re crazy

The desire to fit in with the people around you is a strong one — it’s a biological drive meant to keep you alive and ensure the continuation of the species. if you find you don’t want to stand out from the crowd, well, that’s totally normal.

But listening to your intuition doesn’t mean that you have to dye your hair purple and hang out your shingle for intuitive readings. (Although you can if you want to. It seems to be working OK for me.) Your intuition is called your “still, quiet voice” for a reason. It’s not flamboyant. Instead, it’s often fairly quiet. It comes to you in nudges and urges, pushes and pulls into or away from situations, opportunities, people and places. It’s a quiet knowing. And you can keep it to yourself if you want to.

You don’t have to be loud about it. If your intuition tells you to move across the country, or apply for a job in the want ads, or walk up to someone and start a conversation, you don’t have to explain yourself. If anyone asks what caused you to do something that changes your life, you can just say, “It felt like the right thing to do.” You don’t have to name it intuition if you don’t want to.

You’re afraid of how it might change your life

About that big move you’ve been considering, or that job change, or that relationship that you know isn’t really right for you… Yeah, listening to, and following, your intuition might change your life. It might mean letting go of something that you know, deep inside, isn’t working for you.

Following your intuition can mean that you release some things. But what fills that space is so much better for you, so much more positive and supportive and wonderful. I’ve found this to be true every time I’ve followed my inner truth and knowing – from the small stuff to the really big stuff (cross-country moves, divorce, you name it).

Change is hard. It’s scary. We fear what we don’t know. If that’s where you are, you’re not alone. But it’s not where you need to stay, if you don’t want to.

Start listening to and following your intuition in small ways in your everyday life. Listen to your body when it comes time to choose food to eat. Listen to your heart when you’re making a decision about something. Go with what feels right for you — not what people tell you that you should do, or what you think society expects from you, or what people in authority tell you to do. Do what you know, what that voice within knows, is the right thing for you.

Try it with the small stuff first. Notice when you think of a friend and then they call you, text you or send you an email. Notice when a billboard or a bumper sticker answers a question you’ve been pondering or asking the universe. Notice the synchronicities and serendipities and slowly feed your intuition, bite by bite, until it grows stronger and stronger.

The more you develop your intuition, the more you’ll learn to trust it, so that, when it comes to the big decisions in your life, you know you’re intution has your back and will always steer you on the path of your highest good.