The word clairvoyance is sometimes used as a catch-all for psychic or intuitive abilities. Clairvoyants are usually understood to have the ability to see the future.

I suppose when you’re able to understand likely future events, you are “seeing” the future. However, many folks with psychic abilities use several intuitive senses to take in information about the non-physical, not just their sight. At least I do.

Information that comes through the other psychic senses, such as knowing, hearing, sensing, tasting and smelling, is related to abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairgustance and clairalience.

Clairvoyance, then is actually a specific skill related to intuitive or psychic sight.

What is clairvoyance like when you experience it?

Clairvoyance can be experienced in a couple of different ways. In both, the information comes through a sense of visual perception.

In one way, indirect perception, the images you see are in your mind’s eye. It’s similar to the memory of sight, as if you are recalling a person or thing or a picture of it.

The other way is direct perception, in which you see something in front of you, with what feels like your physical eyes, as if it is really there. Ghosts are sometimes seen in this way.

In both cases, you’re using your intuitive or psychic vision through your third eye, to sense this energy and information.

Pictures or movies

The things you see can appear as a photograph, still image, or a moving image like a movie or video clip.

Sometimes the images will be clear and sharp, and sometimes fuzzy, vague or indistinct. You may also get a partial image, such as the top of a bald person’s head when you’re connecting with someone’s loved on in Spirit.

If the information you’re getting is fuzzy or unclear, you can use the focusing exercise below to tune into clearer images.

Clairvoyance focusing exercise

You can strengthen and focus your clairvoyant abilities and get clearer, more useful images and information by asking for them to be clearer.

The next time you meditate with the intention of receiving messages from Spirit, focus your attention on what you are receive clairvoyantly. What do you see in your mind’s eye?

Ask Spirit or your Spirit guides to make those pictures clearer. You can silently say to the images, “Grow in size and strength.”

With this intention, the images will become clearer and brighter. It may seem too simple, but it really works.

If you want to make it more complicated for yourself, or you like some visualization, you can imagine zooming in on a small or faraway image – whether you do that like you would on a photo on your smartphone or with a zoom lense on an SLR camera.

Next, ask for clarification about what you’re seeing.

Inwardly ask, “What does this image mean?”

You will get an answer. It might come as a thought, a feeling, or one or more words (this allows you to use your other intuitive senses). Trust what you get.

You can also ask Spirit yes and no questions to verify the answer and may either hear yes or no responses or simply feel a tug or flow or energy or a feeling of resistance.

If the answer is still unclear, ask to receive it again or in a different way. Folks in Spirit and your guides want to communicate with you and will keep working with you until the communication and message is clear.

Learn more about developing all your psychic senses in my online class: Open Your Intuitive Senses.