Book review: Developing Intuition by Shakti Gawain

Developing your intuition isn’t a linear process. It often happens in fits and starts, with spurts ahead and seeming delays. Developing your intuition is a lot like living life. Developing Intuition: Practical guidance for daily life by Shakti Gawain, is one of the first books I read about developing your intuition, and I recently re-read…

Want to heal from your past? Learn the 5 myths of forgiveness

Forgiveness. It’s a loaded word and often a misunderstood one. Forgiveness is also an incredible gift. It’s one you give to yourself, not to the person who hurt you.  That’s one of the myths of forgiveness, the widely believed falsehoods that might be keeping you from doing this important work to free yourself from the…

An adult woman writing in a journal

Depth-journaling, releasing the steam valve on repressed emotions

It’s taken me a while to write publicly about my healing journey and the processes I’ve used to accomplish it.  Telling your story is hard when you’re still in the middle of it. You don’t know the ending, or how it’s going to go, and that puts you in a vulnerable place. It’s also tricky…