Book review: Developing Intuition by Shakti Gawain

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Developing your intuition isn’t a linear process. It often happens in fits and starts, with spurts ahead and seeming delays. Developing your intuition is a lot like living life.

Developing Intuition: Practical guidance for daily life by Shakti Gawain, is one of the first books I read about developing your intuition, and I recently re-read it.

It’s gentle read, meandering through the facets of intuition, helping you understand them and integrate intuition into your life.

Shakti includes numerous exercises for you to try out yourself, which is always a good approach for me to learn any new skill. Many of these techniques and exercises are ones I suggest to my own students.

Here’s one of my favorites.

When you get dressed in the morning, ask your intuition what to wear. Look at your array of clothes and let your eyes rest on the one that’s the most appealing. What color most calls to you?

Don’t overthink it. Put it on! Go about your day.

Notice what happens, if you can. Do you notice other people with the same or similar color around you?

When I used to lead the singalong songs during services at my local Center for Spiritual Living, I’d get to church on Sunday mornings and, more often than not, I’d be wearing the same color as the minister, the spiritual practitioner and the other songleaders. And it wasn’t only on St. Patrick’s Day! We all tuned in and allowed Spirit, or our intuition, to guide us in our choices.

My husband and I also tend to dress in the same colors — and we get dressed entirely separate from each other in the morning, without seeing the other person. Then we’ll be downstairs in the kitchen, getting our required morning caffeination and I’ll notice we’re both wearing the same color shirts. 

It really does work, and it’s totally harmless to do, so give it a try and see what works for you.

Developing your intuition is like developing any relationship. It takes time to build trust and connection. You’ve got to start somewhere, so why not start by opening your intuitive eyes and letting them choose your outfit.