marriage certificate being cut up

The true pain of divorce: your lost hopes, dreams and expectations

I remember the moment during my second divorce when I realized I was going to need to grieve the loss of my marriage and heal from the circumstances that caused me to divorce to begin with. I didn’t want to bring the pain into my next relationship. I wanted to be able to love fully…

Book cover of Where did you go? on a starry background

Book review: Where did you go – connecting to your loved ones who’ve died

My mum and I had one of those strangely close but often dysfunctional relationships. She loved me intensely, but didn’t have good boundaries, didn’t protect me from predators and, throughout my adolescence, treated me too much like a friend and not enough like a child. Despite all that, I feel emotionally complete about my relationship…

laundry folding meditation

Simple ways to incorporate meditation into your daily life

Meditation comes in many forms and varieties. But all its many paths lead to the same place – inner knowing, access to our wisdom and the ability to focus (and re-focus) our minds. Plus meditation has a host of physical and psychological benefits, including reduced anxiety and blood pressure, improved mood, memory and immune response,…

woman standing with arms outstretched in front of hundreds of floating balloons

The hidden dangers of positive thinking

Sometimes, thinking positively can hurt you. I know, it doesn’t sound like the kind of thing you expect me to say. I teach people how to raise their vibration and connect with their inner self, after all. But I also I teach people how to look, with emotional honesty, at the losses they’ve endured and…