When I teach people about setting and maintaining boundaries with Spirit, someone usually asks this question:

How do you deal with a pushy Spirit?

My answer: Have your gatekeeper deal with them.

I call my gatekeeper my bouncer guide. When I picture him, he doesn’t look anything like a stereotypical nightclub bouncer, but that’s part of his job for me when I work with people in Spirit. He’s in charge of the velvet rope, deciding who comes into my “club.” (I guess my consciousness itself is the nightclub in this analogy.)

If someone is in the “club” and communicating with or through me and they get rowdy (being too loud, being too aggressive, making me feel how they physically died too strongly), it’s my gatekeeper’s job to tell them to settle down or boot them out.

You’re probably either laughing right now, or think it’s a wonderful idea. Either way, read on.

I’ve been working with my gatekeeper for about 17 years now. He was one of the first of my guides that I met and we’ve been developing our relationship ever since.

At this point, it’s a close and trusting relationship. We get each other.

The benefits of knowing your Spirit guides

Your Spirit guides can provide you so much comfort and direction on your spiritual development journey. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be without them—or my awareness of them, because they’re there whether or not you know it.

Imagine trying to grow up without parents or teachers to guide and teach you. Trying to develop your innate spiritual gifts of intuition, mediumship, ESP, or psychic abilities without guidance seems like a similarly fraught endeavor.

Your guides offer so much:

  • Guidance
  • Comfort
  • Insight
  • Direction
  • Healing
  • An occasional spiritual 2×4 to the head when you’re not listening

Getting to know your Spirit guides

When you’re ready to connect with your Spirit guides, there’s something important you need to remember. You don’t need to go out searching for them. They’re already there.

Your guides are already with you.

So how do you get to know someone who’s already there?

Say hi. Introduce yourself. Ask them their name. Kinda like you would with an actual person who’s nearby.

Usually, you do this through meditation. But even just setting your intention to connect with your guides and be open to communicating with them will bring forth messages in your life.

Communicating with your Spirit guides

As you begin to receive this communication – perhaps through signs and symbols (you can learn more about those here) – ask who it’s from. Ask for a name and trust whatever you get. If you don’t get a name, ask for a symbol of some kind or a feeling, color, taste, smell, etc.

The next time you receive something you think is a message from Spirit, check in with your inner self and notice if that name, symbol, feeling, color, taste, whatever is present. If it is, you know it’s from that guide.

Relationships take time to build trust and understanding. Give the relationships with your Spirit guides time as well. Put in the effort and you’ll be amply rewarded.

Questions about your Spirit guides?

This blog post barely scratches the surface of Spirit guides. You probably have many questions about your guides. If you do, here are two resources of mine:


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