So you’ve decided to schedule an intuitive mediumship session. You’re excited/nervous/terrified/overjoyed (pick one) to be about to connect with loved ones in Spirit and guidance for your highest good. You want it to go well. You want it to be worth your time, money and energy.

Is there anything you can do to help that happen? It turns out, there is. Especially if you’re getting a reading with me. I’ve written about tips for a successful reading before, but here are some more.

Sleep well the night before

If you take care of yourself and are well-rested and feeling good, it’s easier for me to connect in with Spirit and your higher self. Your vibration is higher and clearer and there’s less work for me to do on my part to bridge the gap between where you are and what’s going on with you and the connection with Spirit.

I don’t mind working hard, but the reason this is helpful for your reading is because it helps me get clearer and more precise information for you.

Know what you want

I offer a variety of information during intuitive mediumship readings. It’s helpful to know what you’re looking for. Do you want information on your career, relationship, kids, or moving house or town or state? Do you want to know about your spiritual path and to connect with your guides? Do you want to talk to loved ones in Spirit? I can connect with information from Spirit in all of these areas, so it’s helpful to know what you’re looking for.

Come prepared

If there are certain people you want to connect with in Spirit, decide beforehand and let me know. This is helpful for a number of reasons. First, before you arrive, I connect in with your energy and get a sense of who’s around you (and let them know if they want to come through they need to get their act together and be prepared to show up). If you already know who you want to talk to, then you and me both putting it out there is more likely to get their attention.

Secondly, if you don’t have anyone in mind, I’m going to bring through whoever is loudest and has something to say. That may not be someone you want to hear from. Or not who you want to hear from the most. So while I’m picking up on your sister, for example, you’re sitting there thinking, “Where’s my Dad? I want to hear from my Dad?” That means you miss out on the message you’re getting from your sister.

Knowing who you want to connect with and telling me doesn’t guarantee a connection. But it usually happens.

Make a list

Similarly, if there are issues in your life you’d like to receive guidance on, write them down. It may sound weird to have a list of questions that you come in with, but it’s helpful for me to focus in on what’s most important to you.

I’ve had readings where I’ve gone down a long list of questions, taking care of each item in turn, based on the intuitive energy and information I connect with.

I always ask to receive information for your highest and best good. And what I get may be for your highest good — but it may not be something you’re even considering right now at this point in your life. I want my readings to be helpful and useful to you in your life. I want you to be able to take away something you can work with and act on if needed.

Also, don’t be embarrassed or wonder if what you want to know about is weird. I’ve been asked to bring through information on pretty much everything at this point. My readings are safe, sacred, non-judgmental spaces.

Talk to me

I think of readings as a conversation between you, me and Spirit. Chime in. Offer information and confirmation if it feels right to do so. Ask for clarification if you don’t understand. It not only helps connect the energy circuit, but it allows me to know if I’m on the right track or if I need to get more from Spirit to give you clearer information.

I go into each reading asking to be an open medium for you, in sincerity and honesty. While occasionally I have clients who want me to prove something to them — the existence of life after death, that I can connect with a specific loved one, that I can accurately predict the future — I’m not in this to prove anything to anyone. My goal is to help you, through Spirit, to the best of my ability.

Take notes

You’re welcome to take notes during your reading. You can even record it if you’d like. This helps you remember things later that you’d otherwise forget. It’s hard to remember everything someone says for 30 to 60 minutes. I can cover a lot of ground in that time.

Having notes or a recording also gives you time to recall a loved one in Spirit you didn’t quite figure out during the reading itself or for the meaning of messages or symbols to become clear. There may be information that comes through during your reading that doesn’t make sense at the time that will either come to pass or somehow show up in your life a few days or even weeks later.

Be open

Readings are supposed to feel good and be useful. Sometimes you cry, and that’s OK, too. The more open you can be to the experience, the easier it is for me to bring through useful information for you.

My goal is always to help you on your path in life. That’s what I think mediumship and intuition are here for — to bring us healing, to connect us with our divine self and with Spirit, and to help us move forward in our lives.

One thought on “How can you prepare for a great reading?

  1. That’s a good tip to take care of your physical health. Sleeping and rest is a good way to do that. That way your natural energies will be easier for a psychic to read.

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