The attitude and intent with which you start something set the tone for how that experience is likely to unfold. How can you prepare yourself to successfully develop your intuitive mediumship abilities?

Here are a number of ways you can set yourself up for success.

Know your intent

Get clear on why you want to learn mediumship. Ask yourself about your motivations.

Are you serious or are you just playing around? Are you looking for fame and fortune? Or do you want to dabble just enough so you can spook yourself and your friends?

Dabbling, spooking and fame-seeking aren’t good reasons to develop mediumship abilities. While fame and fortune might happen, it’s not the reason to go into something. And spooking people—yourself or others—isn’t the fun it’s cracked up to be.

Good reasons to develop your abilities are going to be aligned with the benefits of mediumship. They include a desire to gain clarity into life after death, to find upliftment for yourself and others, and to bring healing to people going through the grief of losing a loved one. You might also seek unfoldment so that you learn how to safely and successfully develop the latent or uncontrolled gifts you know you have but don’t yet understand.

Wanting to further understand mediumship so you that feel more sane and in control of your life is also a fine reason.

Set your expectations

Have high goals, but realistic expectations. Unfolding slowly and deliberately is healthier—and easier—than opening up all at once. Patience and persistence are essential.

It’s also important to be practical and use common sense. Different people learn differently, at different rates and in different ways. Recognize that you’re unique and, as such, your path isn’t going to be quite the same as anyone else’s. But many paths lead to the same destination. You’ll get there if you keep at it.

Learn to set boundaries

I’ll go into boundary setting in terms of mediumship later on, but boundaries are important in all aspects of your life. You need to learn to set boundaries in your everyday life and with the people around you, as well as with Spirit.

Start practicing now. Learn to say “no” if that’s what your inner guidance (your intuition) tells you. Know what kinds of relationships you want to have and start moving forward into those—in terms of the emotions and behaviors you’re willing to accept and receive from the people around you.

Find a class, church or mentor

The best way to develop and unfold mediumship skills is in a safe, loving, supportive environment.

Finding a class in a Spiritualist church taught by a qualified medium is an excellent option. Home circles can also be helpful for people who study better in a less formal environment.

If you don’t have either of these options available where you live, look for a mentor. Mentoring can be done in-person or online. Finding someone to guide you through the process of unfolding is invaluable.

Whether you find a church or spiritual center, a home circle or a mentor, trust your intuition—in finding it in the first place and whether or not it feels like a good fit for you.

Create space in your life for your development

Even if you don’t have a regular class or development circle, set aside consistent time in which you meditate and practice opening to Spirit. This creates a dependable routine in your own life, allowing you to more easily get in sync and into the energy needed to connect with Spirit.

It also lets your guides and teachers in Spirit know that you’re serious and when they can get in touch with you—it establishes boundaries. If folks in Spirit know you’re available Tuesday afternoons at
2 p.m., then they can leave you alone the rest of the week because they know when you’ll be open and receptive.

Take care of yourself

Mediumship can sometimes be taxing on the body, mind and emotions. When you give readings to others, people receiving those readings often want a lot—they’re usually in a difficult place in their life when they seek you out or when you’re drawn to them. And mediums, by their nature, are sensitive to people’s emotions and vibrations.

People who receive messages want confirmation, answers and healing. That, combined with the effort of attuning to Spirit, listening very closely and concentrating on the Spirit entities that are coming through so as to correctly understand and interpret their messages, can take a lot of energy when you’re not used to it.

As you become more accustomed to using these abilities, it does get easier. Your intuitive muscles grow as you use them. And, as you learn how to deal with people’s expectations and reactions when they receive readings, you learn how to be empathetic but detached enough not to take on other people’s emotional stuff.

You need to take care of your mental and physical health. Eat well, exercise and maintain good company so you can stay positive and balanced. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish and optional. Self-care is vital and necessary.

Stay grounded, humble and in integrity

As you begin to develop your abilities, make sure you stay grounded. Remember that messages are from Spirit, not from you. They pass through you—you’re the medium through which they pass.

Do your best to stay on a path of integrity. Don’t let your desire for approval sway you. And don’t let the approval and positive feedback from others (even though it’s wonderful to know you’re bringing through real, evidential information) go to your head. Stay humble. Keep learning. Remain connected to your divine self.

Use your power for good.

This blog post was excerpted from Led by Light: How to develop your intuitive mediumship abilities, Book 1.