Using your body to tap into your intuition

Your body is the vessel that houses your soul so it can experience life in physical form. And it’s your friend. It tries to help you out in so many ways – some of which we don’t appreciate – by giving you signals about whether what you’re doing with your life is working for you or not. Some of those signals are gentle nudges – a headache or stomachache. Others are the proverbial spiritual 2×4 to the head: your back goes out or you break a bone.

When we tune into ourselves in all dimensions – our physical body as well as our emotions, mind and connection with our spiritual self – we can use our body as an instrument to give us insight and direction.

Here’s a way to use your body to amplify and hear your innate intuition and inner knowing.

Consider a decision you’re facing. It can be about anything. Moving to a new house, starting or leaving a relationship, changing jobs or asking for a raise, deciding to have a child, taking a risk in some area of your life. Whatever it is that you’re pondering lately.

  • Find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted for 5-10 minutes.
  • Put some meditative music on if you like, or just sit in silence and become aware of the sounds around you, without focusing on any of them in particular.
  • Breathe deeply and quiet your body and your mind.
  • Ask Spirit to guide you. I usually begin these types of meditations (yes, you’re meditating!) with a short prayer, something like: Hey, Spirit, I’m here. I’m open to hearing what I need to know today, for my highest and best good.
  • Think about your decision for a moment or two. Keep breathing deeply. Know the answers you need are available to you.
  • Think about one outcome of your decision as if it is the reality of your life right now.
    How does it feel in your body? What sensations do you notice? Does it feel heavy in your chest or stomach, or light and clear? Does your breath get tight and short or does it come easily, with relief? Are there muscles that get tight? Does your head start to hurt?
  • Think about the other option and its outcome, as if it is your life in the present moment. How does that feel?
  • Let go of both options and quietly consider your intuitive feelings. One of the two (or three, or four) potential outcomes will feel best to you.

How does this work? Your body is deeply connected to you and, due to the desire for continued existence if nothing else, is on your side. Your body can express its knowledge of what’s for your highest and best good even when your mind can’t. By tuning into it, you can hear what it’s saying and use that knowledge to your advantage to have a happier life.

Learn how to keep developing your intuitive body and all your senses in my online course: Open Your Intuitive Senses.